The BarberTime Bulletin March 2016 Join our email list!
Barber Hunters
Barbers and beauticians beware! Wolves and sharks are portraying as caring concerned entrepreneurs looking to help your industry!
If you notice someone like that, stop and ask them if they’re a barber. If they say no, ask them why your industry? Then wait for the BS!
With total revenues of over $100 Billion from the combined barber, beauty and grooming industries, it’s an easy target.
In cities like Cleveland, Houston, Boston and Atlanta, there are stories of local promoters and serial entrepreneurs conducting events and services trying to profit off of your resources.
Peyton gets out right in time. He knew the NFL couldn’t keep him protected by the shield any longer. With an impending HGH investigation, the re-emergence of his college mishaps and a rapidly deceasing throwing are, Peyton Manning decides to get out before the water starts to boil.
Barbershop talk tells the story that Peyton Manning, is without a doubt, one of the NFL’s greatest QB’s. Top 10, Top 5 or Top 3, you place him wherever your heart leads you. But do not be fooled and there is no doubt here either, Peyton Manning has been silver spoon fed since being drafted in 1998.
I guess you can say the NFL has protected Manning even before he took the stage as the #1 overall pick by disregarding Jamie Naughtright’s filing of sexual assault again the QB.
Fast forward to 2002, 4 years after seeing Peyton get beat up by the AFC East, the NFL decides to rearrange the entire league structure. Not saying it was all done for Manning, but look where he ends up! The AFC South??? Where is Indy? If that wasn’t enough he was placed with 3 expansion team, Jacksonville, Texans and a relocated Titans franchise. If it wasn’t the the late Steve McNair, it would’ve been a decade sweep.
Funny thing happens though! Although Manning is whisked away to the safety of the AFC South, the AFC East found him and continued their dominance over him. The Dolphins regularly went to Indy and beat him. The Jets would do the same and even end Manning’s season twice in the playoffs. While the Patriots all but took his heart from him repeatedly.
Then comes the next phase of operation “Protect Peyton”…
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