Shop Talk: What’s The Difference?
Hate and greed to maintain your own race or religion as the DOMINANT or RULING one has been the greatest virus to plague the entire HUMAN race!
For hundreds of centuries we have beaten and killed while causing the stunting of the overall growth of humanity. Without hate driving the amount of devastation to human records by the ruling civilizations we would be a worldly, if not, a galactic civilization by now.
The point is terror is terror! And whether you use it on the side of the many or the few, it is terrorism. Whether it be local or international, about your country or your race, hate is the driver taking people on a one way ride to hell.
I for one try to love thy neighbor and thy enemy! Check out our tale of the tape of the 2 most hateful groups plaguing America today.
- Terror acts: Burning churches, Assassinations, Genocide
- Hatred: Blacks, Jews,
- Origin: Nazism
- Cause: Create a white only planet
- Idol: Adolph Hitler
Al Qaeda
- Terror acts: Car bombing, building attacks,
- Hatred: Jews, Americans
- Origin: Muslim radicalism
- Cause: Create an all Muslim planet
- Idol: Osama Bin Laden
I ask, “What’s the Difference”?
Ned Wellbery a.k.a. Leedz was Born in Lynn, MA and raised in transit between northern Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire. He was subjected to music as soon as he was born. His Grandfather was a Jazz drummer and would play constantly in front him. His mother was a big fan of folk music and taught him the importance of lyrics through the music of Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Neil Young, and Leonard Cohen. But as a teenager, he fell victim of a broken home when his dad disappeared when he was only 11 years old, leaving him
Barber Hunters
Barbers and beauticians beware! Wolves and sharks are portraying as caring concerned entrepreneurs looking to help your industry!
If you notice someone like that, stop and ask them if they’re a barber. If they say no, ask them why your industry? Then wait for the BS!
With total revenues of over $100 Billion from the combined barber, beauty and grooming industries, it’s an easy target.
In cities like Cleveland, Houston, Boston and Atlanta, there are stories of local promoters and serial entrepreneurs conducting events and services trying to profit off of your resources.
Interviews with Justin Thomas from HanzoShears , DNIckThaBarber the amazing Artist, John Mosley Kendrick Lamar’s Personal Barber at the 2016 International Beauty Show in New York City March 6,2016 – Popular Nobody