Founder-CEO Euan Davis explains why he built The BarberTime Media Network at the Microsoft Stores BarberTime Tour Boston MA
Jason Yancey discusses his life growing up in the barbering industry
Alex Daluz discusses his life growing up in the barbering industry
Mr. Paul Thee Barber Jones discusses his life growing up in the barbering industry
Our character, charisma, professionalism and humanity to our surroundings is not to #$%@ with and it shows at the best events and competitions around the globe.
Mr. BarberTalk demonstrates how you can apply Dr. Fill-In Hair Fibers in seconds! Call 443-961-4574 or email to order or for more information.
VIDEO REVIEW: Behind the scene with “No Turn”
“No Turn” takes us through his day as he tours through the Bronner Brothers Winter 2017 Convention int ATL.
Motivational Speaker and Master Barber Darin Lyons discusses the importance of professionalism and taken the proper advice from individuals.
From the palms of your hands or at your station you’ll have your STYLES PORTFOLIO, YOUR COMMUNITY MARKETPLACE, SCHEDULING, MEDIA LIBRARY AND LATEST INFO!
Lawmakers in Nebraska are toying with a radical idea to boost entrepreneurs: Get out of their way. A package of modest reforms currently under consideration would reduce many burdens from
The Barber Magic Pencil is another line of innovations pouring over the barbering industry. Watch as @troythegreat1 carves out this beard!
The obvious solution to this would be to go cordless. There are a variety of cordless clippers out there but they can cost a pretty penny, and if I were to replace my entire corded setup for a cordless.. Omni Cord System
I’ve been in the Charlotte area of North Carolina since Jan 1st. I’m going around to barbershops & hair salons to let them know the new network is coming.
Boston’s Finest Barbershop, North Carolina in Statesville Hairshow Boston’s Finest Barbershop shows off its team pride and professionalism.
The Big Apple proves again to live up to it’s name as BarberTime sees first hand, the inner workings of some of the worlds premiere media broadcast networks.
Inside: 5 other things that happen in Black barbershops – Christopher Burke – TBMN Trailer sneak peak – TBMN Sports and more… The BarberTime Bulletin April 2016
This is the definition of RT! Turn your back and someone is hawking… New barbers face many challenges and this video can help you face the reality.
Humble, talented and reformed, Will Perez narrates this well produced video on the love and respect the barbering industry provides. Barbering Changed My Life
Hilarious how they first approach a way to handle the texture of his hair! #barberlovearoundtheglobe! Black Man Hair Cut In China